Evening World Labyrinth Workshop

Evening World Labyrinth Workshop


May 4, 2024    
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Dilston Physic Garden
Dilston Physic Garden, Dilston, Corbridge, Northumberland, NE45 5QZ

Joining everyone in the world to walk the Labyrinth for a common humanitarian aim! What better way to show solidarity for ourselves and Mother Earth.

Labyrinths are ancient symbols of power that sit on energy nexuses on the Earth. Join Christine in this special evening to share in this world wide activity. Christine is a Labyrinth walker who has worked with Labyrinths from her Early days on the 3 dimensional Labyrinth of Glastonbury Tor.

Cost £30. To include tea and cakes. Please bring own cup ands plate

Park in the Scouts car park

To book tel 07974351113 or via  my website to arrange payment www.peacepipecirclewoman.weebly.com there are testimonials on this from prior Labyrinth Walks

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