Botanicals Anchored in Scientific Serenity
Throughout history, people have turned to their healing medicinal plants to find relaxation and calm. Calming botanicals like chamomile, melissa (also known as lemon balm), and lavender have not only been rigorously assessed for their calming properties in gold standard clinical trials but also have been examined in laboratory research to unveil the precise mechanisms through which they exert their soothing effects. For instance, chamomile achieves anxiety reduction by amplifying the brain’s principal calming signal, known as GABA—a higher GABA level translates to lower anxiety and heightened tranquility.
Moreover, fennel, chamomile, and peppermint (a notable inclusion in mainstream UK medicine) have long been celebrated for their efficacy in alleviating spasms and calming irritable digestive tracts. Additionally, peppermint has been substantiated by clinical studies, demonstrating its capacity to enhance alertness, attention, and focus.