Delve into the magical world of herbs with 5 Potion Clubs over 2023. Each can be enjoyed on their own or as part of a series. With medical herbalist Davina Hopkinson in charge the clubs are full of surprises. Davina has created a fun and fascinating club for children (guide 8 – 12 years) who want to delve into the intriguing world of plants. This is the chance to discover, in a fun and magical way, the health benefits of plants – an exploration that will set them up for a lifetime!
With 5 interactive sessions in 2023, each one unique, in April, May, June, July and August, learn all about local plants you find in the garden, hedgerows, woods and fields and go out to forage for some of them. Explore which plants are growing and how they can be turned into medicinal potions – like the spring tonics to give your body a kick start after winter, or the roots and berries of autumn to make cold and flu remedies.
From plants to help sore tummies and even help you sleep, we’ll choose a plant of the month, explore what it does, how it does it and turn it into a real life effective potion!
With some scintillating history (herbal medicine does go back 60,000 years!) and telling of mysterious magical folktales, there’ll be plenty of safe health-giving body-protective potion-making.
Please bring your own packed lunch. Parking for this event is in the Top-up Car-park shared with Dilston Scouts – directions.
Booking for this event is £15
For bookings please contact: davinaherbalist@gmail.com