Hemp Tea 7 Grams


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Ingredients: Cannabis sativa subsp. sativa. 7 grams.
History & Folklore: Did you know Queen Victoria took hemp as an analgesic when it was a standard pain killer for menstrual cramps?
Hemp does not give you any high effect as it has only trace amounts of THC (<0.02%), Hemp’s main active constituent is cannabidiol.
In clinical studies: Cannabidiol (CBD; the main active constituent in hemp) in controlled trials has been found safe as a sedative and to reduce psychosis in people with Parkinson’s and schizophrenia, and also improves memory in the latter, without the side effects of standard antipsychotics. It is also anti-seizure in controlled trials in children and is being researched for beneficial effects in brain trauma.
In the Lab: Hemp acts on brain (and body) signals for endogenous (C2) cannabinoids and on a number of other brain signals and enzymes. Cannabidiol, a calming constituent, is analgesic, sedative, anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory with anxiolytic, anti-depressive, anti-psychotic, anti-epilep

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